Blog of the father of two, gadget connoisseur, writer, traveler, photographer, occasional golfer, runner, services professional who of course is an Apple enthusiast.
Devonthink Use Case: Invoice Management
For several years, DEVONthink has gradually gotten into my app stack. Initially, I think I struggled with what to store in it, how to organize my databases, and so on. When I started thinking about it as a file manager and a way to manage all my files, it became more manageable, and I started building some workflows on top of the base functionality. One of those use cases is how I manage invoices, and that is what I want to describe in this post....

QMK and KBD67 Lite R3 ISO
I recently decided I wanted to build my keyboard based on the KBDfans KBD67 Lite R3 ISO kit. With my two other keyboards, the Keychron Q1 and KBNordic Nordic60, I’ve built custom QMK firmware as I want some extra features that are not possible with VIA alone. Things like leader keys and having easily having keymaps and macros in sync across different keyboards. I also really like the Space Cadet feature, having the left and right shift keys act as left and right parenthesis if tapped and shift if held....
Obsidian Notes
I’ve been trying Obsidian and Roam Research a little now and then ever since they first came out. I recently stumbled across Nick Milo’s Linking Your Thinking Youtube channel and it got me excited about the idea of utilizing linking better in my note taking. I’ve now started in Obsidian and I even created a publish site at where I’ll publish some things soon.
iPad Mount for Volvo XC60
The results of one weeks design, prototyping and prints - a modular iPad holder for neck rest mounting. Made an adapter that fits fairly new Volvo XC60s.
One Note to Rule Them All
Since Evernote changed their pricing and usage terms two weeks ago it seems people are desperately exporting all their notes and looking for alternatives. Reading tweets and articles on the topic it seems like Microsoft OneNote is the beacon of hope for many. It provides roughly the same feature set, it’s available on many devices and it is free to use. So far so good. What makes me worried about OneNote though is that there is no way of exporting all of your notes, like you can with Evernote....
Ode to plain text
Since I first started using Getting Things Done back in 2006 I have constantly been on the lookout for the next cool method, system, setup or app. Everything from a fully analog system with notebooks and 43 physical folders to every standalone app or subscription model there is. The problem I have and share with so many others is that I fiddle more with the setup and tools than I actually do using it to get productive....
My Favorite Apps of 2009
The number of applications in Apple’s App Store has exploded during 2009 and it is getting harder and harder to find new stuff. Therefore I thought it was a good idea to share my favorite applications of 2009 (mostly based on the apps I have used the most). Reeder As a Google Reader addict I have tried several iPhone apps for accessing my feeds while on the road. First I used the mobile version of Google Reader, simply browsing to the site in Safari....
My Drobo Turned on Me
After I have been recommending Drobo to almost everyone I have talked to for roughly a month (bought it on recommendation from TWiT), it suddenly turned on me this weekend. It all started Saturday morning. I have been using the Drobo as a media backend for my Plex/Mac Mini HTPC setup. RipIthas helped me backup my DVD collection and I have carefully named each movie so that the IMDB scraper in Plex can find information about it....
Garmin Edge 705 and Open Street Map
I recently bought a Garmin Edge 705 bike computer to help with my training for next years Vätternrundan (a Swedish 300K bike race around the second largest lake). It was quite expensive in itself which led to a small chock when I saw the price of the maps – almost 50% of the price of the GPS unit. I googled for free maps and after a while I stumbled upon openmtbmap....
Jaunty Jackalope on Asus Eee Pc 1008HA
Two days ago, during a time of intensive writers block, I went out and bought an Asus 1008HA to use as a lightweight writing machine and surf station. Since I brought it home I have removed Windows XP and installed Ubuntu Jaynty Jackalope (both standard desktop edition and netbook remix) and Intel’s Moblin 2.0 without running into any serious trouble. Neither the wired or the wireless network does not work out of the box (works as a charm in Moblin though) after installing, but it was just a matter of downloading the ....